One thing I am big on is neat and tidy formatted naming conventions. This applies to CRM opportunity naming conventions. This discipline dates back to my days as a storage architect where I was responsible for solutioning many enterprise environment’s storage, server and backup infrastructure architecture. These days, having tools like BDRSuite makes it really easy to employ best practices right across the board, some are built in but some aren’t – and while naming conventions are typically left up to the administrator, In this context, drawing from my experiences, I’ll share three best practice tips to assist you in creating purposeful and orderly names for your backup jobs.

Tip #1 – Be Descriptive and Consistent:

Consider incorporating key information such as the source system, type of data, and frequency of the backup into your job names. For instance, a backup job named “HR_Server_Daily” provides a clear indication of the data source (HR Server) and the frequency (Daily). Consistency across all your backup job names enhances predictability and ensures that your entire backup landscape is easily understandable.

Tip #2 – Include Timestamps for Versioning:

Consider adopting a format like “JobName_YYYYMMDD_HHMM” (e.g., “FinancialData_20231113_1200”). This format provides a clear snapshot of the backup, facilitating precise identification of the version needed during the restoration process. Embracing timestamping as part of your naming convention adds a layer of precision to your backup strategy and fosters a robust versioning system. While many well-thought-out Backup software interfaces such as BDRSuite make these embedded anyway, think about the poor backup administrators who live in the command line.

Tip #3 – Account for Scalability and Flexibility:

Anticipating scalability and embracing flexibility in your naming conventions is crucial for accommodating future changes seamlessly. Design your backup job names with a forward-thinking mindset, considering potential additions or modifications to your IT environment.

One effective approach is to structure your names hierarchically, reflecting the organisational structure of your IT systems. For example, “Department_Server_Daily” provides room for expansion by accommodating various departments within the organisation. Additionally, incorporating generic terms that encompass multiple systems or data types ensures that your naming convention remains adaptable as your IT infrastructure evolves.

In closing:

I have spent many years navigating the intricate terrain of IT backups, these three best practices have proven instrumental in ensuring the resilience and reliability of our data protection strategies. Embrace these principles, and you’ll find yourself better equipped to safeguard your organisation’s digital assets. All of these tips (and there are many more I could share) can be implemented extremely easily with BDRsuite and make anyone’s life who deals with backup jobs on a daily basis, a heck of a lot easier.