Quick post to welcome BDRSuite as an official sponsor of cloud-land.com!!! Vembu has been around for a little while and has been a quiet achiever in the backup and disaster recovery space covering backup for application sets such as Microsoft Exchange, SQL, SharePoint, Active Directory, Outlook, PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle.
Their BDR suite provides backup and recovery options for both physical and virtual environments and comes with a range of other features:
- Vembu VMBackup
- Vembu ImageBackup
- Vembu NetworkBackup
- Vembu OnlineBackup
- Vembu SaaSBackup
You could probably take a guess from the names above on what the feature does, but if you wish to learn a little more about BDRSuite head over to their sponsor page on this site or visit their official site at VMware Backup, Hyper-V Backup & Windows Server Backup – BDRSuite