Today is world backup day, which was created as a way to remind people of the importance of backups and to have them publicly pledge that they will start taking reliable backups of their data frequently.

Working in this field for some time, I have also had my own share of losing data in the past (ironic given my profession) and not being able to restore.

Interestingly enough, it is estimated that around a 1/3 of people have never backed their data up so are seriously exposed to data loss, and those who have backed up – chances are they havent tested these any may not be able to restore when needed. One study found that while 57% of IT managers have a backup solution in place, 75% of them were not able to restore all of their lost data when they tried to.

To combat this and provide a reliable backup and restore solution to this ongoing problem, our friends over at Vembu are offering offer 10% flat discount on all new purchases of Vembu BDR suite by clicking this link.

Also, remember to celebrate World Backup Day by using this hash tag! #WorldBackupDay