I have “virtually” known Calvin for some time now having subscribed to and read his blog, I actually sent him a message just when I joined HP to say “G’day”, over the months we stayed in contact and organised to potentially meet at VMworld 2012 in San Francisco (depending on travel approvals). We organised to meet and finally I had the privilege of meeting Calvin at VMworld and recording a joint podcast with him that introduces me to his bloggers (Thanks Calvin!).  I also learnt that Calvin also lived in New Zealand once upon a time and also shared a love for the All Blacks!

Calvin is a great advocate for HP Storage and posts regularly on his blog about interesting events around HP Storage, VMware and similar.

You can read his blog post about me here and within that  is a link to the podcast I did with him, we are planning to work on more blogs\podcasts in the near future so watch this space.

Note: Calvin referred to me as an “Aussie” and not a New Zealander in his post – will need to get this fixed 🙂
