So I had just built a ESXi 5 VM when I wanted to upload some ISO’s into a datastore, alas SSH is turned off by default in ESXI 5
So, first part is to turn it on, you need to be physically at your ESXi box in order to do this part.
At the ESXi console screen
Logon using the root account
Select “Troubleshooting Options” from the menu
In the next menu, select “Enable SSH”, you will notice that it says ‘Disabled’ in the right hand pane
Press enter to change to enable
Thats it!, you can now quit out of there and go onto the next part which is to get the SFTP server running, truth is it is missing by default in ESXi 4
So lets get it
ssh into your esxi box using the root account.
cd /sbin */ Changes to the right directory
wget */ Downloads sftp-server files
tar xzvf sftp-server.tar.gz */ Extracts file into current directory /sbin
rm sftp-server.tar.gz */ Removes file now that we have extracted it
Log out.. Thats it! You should now be able to SFTP files to and from your ESXi 5 host!
thanks ….
Thanks for this post, helped a lot. One thing, the tar-command did not work with the asterisk following the archive name, removing it extracted the sftp-server successfully.