Personally, I love seeing stuff and tests like these.

Whilst other technologist’s from representing companies may be quick to defend why their particular company’s hardware doesn’t get the top score they would of hoped. I try to take another angle on approaching these sort of benchmarks.

Why? I’ll break down the reasons why I think these are good to have.

Competitive – Simply, without some form of benchmark or competitor to design your products to compete with – Then technology wouldnt get as sophisticated as it has. Whilst server virtualization hasn’t been as prevalent or utilised as much as it is over the recent years. This particular benchmarking results show there are some worthy competitors to HP in the server market. It wouldn’t be as fun if it was a one horse race. This keeps the engineering team from Fujitsu, Dell, HP etc returning to the drawing board to make servers better and better.

And for a virtualization geek, this is exciting.

Trending – We can see how well servers do now and compare in five years time, There may be a gradual improvement in scores in the five years, or they may just increase exponentially.

Reviews – Simply put, some-one looking to buy a server for virtualization purposes has a great source of information on best performing models as a starting point to purchasing the right server. It also provides the consumer with an idea of just what elements affect server performance.

Well done to the top four server vendors – Fujitsu, Dell, HP and Cisco